BlockCoasters AudioServer

Totally Unlimited.

What is BlockCoasters AudioServer?

BlockCoasters AudioServer is the very latest in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition technology, allowing us to host totally unlimited quantities of audio on our servers with even smaller pack sizes! It's really easy to join too!

How to join

It's really easy to access the totally unlimited audio of BlockCoasters AudioServer - just follow these simple steps to connect!

  1. Make sure you're connected to the Minecraft Server

BlockCoasters AudioServer only works if you're connected to one of our fantabulous servers for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition, so connect to our brand new Server Hub and choose your adventure! The IP is and the port you will need is 5000.

  1. Open up a web browser

While you're connected to the Minecraft server, open a web browser of your choice and go to For the best experience, we recommend using Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Firefox, but the AudioServer is also compatible with Safari, Opera and the majority of other available browsers. If you're playing on mobile and can't open multiple programs at once, you can always connect to the AudioServer on a different device!

  1. Enter your unique Player ID

You will need to enter your unique Player ID to access the AudioServer. You can find this on the sidebar on any of our servers or you can use /audio in-game to get your info. Your ID is in the form [player name]-[ID number] (for example, BlockCoasters-1234). Enter this into the box on-screen and hit enter!

  1. Totally Unlimited Audio

Ta da! You've just connected to BlockCoasters AudioServer! You can now switch back to your game and play our servers with totally unlimited audio!

Got another question? Check out our FAQs page or try emailing